BBC地平线:不受控制?是一部评分2.0的电影影视作品,影片的关键词是BBC地平线:不受控制?地平线大脑人类节目BBC意味着 ,是由未知主演的作品,We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientiBBC地平线:不受控制?是一部评分2.0的电影影视作品,影片的关键词是BBC地平线:不受控制?地平线大脑人类节目BBC意味着 ,是由未知主演的作品,We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientists are now discovering this is often simply an illusion. Surprising experiments are revealing that what you think you do and what you actually do can be very different. Your unconscious mind is often calling the shots, influencing the decisions you make, from what you eat to who...详情